Remeo and juliet William shakespeare...

About the author :William shakespeare.... 

willam shakespeare is one of tha most prominent world famous english playright, dramasti&poet. his works as the most read literature in the world and are much disscussed even today. His workshave inspaired generations.
He was born in british island during the16th centyre. 
He started a dramas theatere at 'strafford upon avon' and refford to as the board of avon.
His most famous works as remeo and jullet, Mid-summers Night dreem, King lear, Macbeth, Twele Night, Otthello,etc. 
His plays have also inspired movies, and many movies have been madebasede on his plays.
His works have been translated into most Langanges of the words.

Remeo and juliet its one one of the most famous plays of willam shakespeare. it has inspired generations of lovers all over the earth.
Remeo and juliet belong to two rival noble families of verona, venice, capulets and Montagues. 
once, old lord capulet i,e,juliet's father, hosted a grandsupper. Remeo, goes to the supper disguised, He sees juliet one the dance floore and falls in love woth are, smitten by her beauty, He learns thats she is juliet capulet. thought belonginging to a rival family juliet also responds to romeo 's feelings and falls in love with him.

Willam Shakeshpere, in the given verses brings out their feelings very poetically.
In the first verse, Remeo expresses his feelings like this, he poetically refers to are beauty and says that are beauty and says that are beauty is so brillint that is scan inspire a troch is pale to born more brightly, meaning that even a bright light from a troch is plae compared to are rediant beauty.
He tells us that her beauty is like twilight, soft and raident before night falls and shaine as a jewel an worn by a dark - skinned African women.

He compares her beauty as priceless and expinsive to been seen on a mortel man comparing her beauty to heavenly beauty.
Just as a white coloured pigeon can be easily admired among other beautes to havenly beauty. 
a croud of black coloured crows, her beauty is evident among other beautes, meanings that she is more beaytiful than others.
He tels to him self that having appreciated her beauty is admiride among a crowed of black colours crows, her beauty is evident among other beautyes, meaning that she is more beautiful than others.
He tells to him self that having appreciated her beauty he well follow her and touch her and feel blessed.

he asks himself  Whether hee had loved anyone before as hee loved juliet, and earnestly he believes he has found his true love.
He feels his eyes are enriched after seeing such beauty.

juliet also feel the same way as Remeo and She also falls in love with him and says to herself that Remeo is like day light during a dark night. He appeare to are as if he comeng on the wings of the night sh compears him to white snove' on the back of a ravan, meaning that he is more handsome than other man and his handsome than other man and he handsomeness stands above other man. she appeals to God to give her Remeo and make her happy, even if she appeals to dai for are love she also asks the almighty to transform Remeo in to a million little stars so that even the skies will gain beauty. when that happens, then the whole world might fall in love with night and treat the bright sun with less regard.


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