{sir c.v Raman was a great scientist. He was awarded the nobel prize for his work on scattering of light and his discovery of the effect of light Raya {raman Effect}. the government gifted him 25 acres of land to carry out furthur research work. Raman institute was the dreamchild of sir c.v Raman.} Sir c.v Raman was born on november 7, 1888 in trichy. He was the son of chandrashekara iyer and parvathi amaal. chandrashekara iyer was proffessor of physicsat hindhu collage, Vishakapattana. Raman studide there at the indhu collage high school. he was very much interested in science books from collage student and red them. Thus, from his early days, he showed greate interest in science. unfortunately, he used to fall sick very now and then, and he was not abale to attend school regualary. In spite of his poor heleath, he got I class in his Marticulation examination when he was only he boy of twelve. He passed the intermediate examination from hindu collage, and joined presidence...